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The Faculty & Staff Campaign for the University of South Florida is a fundraising effort that allows you, the employees of USF, to make a gift to the area of your choice at the University. These gifts stay at USF, and make a lasting impact in each area that you choose to support.

Have participated in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.

University Advancement
Message From the Senior Vice President

For 44 years, our University Advancement division has stood as a quiet leader in unifying the employees of USF toward a common, selfless purpose through the annual Faculty & Staff Campaign. Unique in its mission, expansive in its reach, this drive represents new opportunities for the students you meet on MLK Plaza, the colleague in the office next to yours, and the professor whose research made the world a little healthier, a little safer, or more tolerant.

The selfless acts of generosity behind the Faculty & Staff Campaign reflect a shared passion and Bullish pride for the university we serve. USF represents more than a job for most of us. It is an institution that brings people from every walk of life together to learn, push the limits, and succeed by whatever measure they set. It represents hope and the chance to pursue a dream. This is a mission worth serving...a mission worth supporting.
The USF Faculty & Staff Campaign started here in University Advancement. Each of us has a responsibility to ensure the fire that ignited this campaign never dies. Please give generously this year with the knowledge that your gift has the power to change someone's life.

Fund NameFund PurposeFund Number
Supports undergraduate scholarships for first generation students 660001
To retain students that will encounter hardships and to assist students that may experience financial difficulty because of the economic downturn 590049

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of USF employees have participated in the Faculty & Staff Campaign.THANK YOU!